Over the past few years we have learnt about food and how it contributes to good health. We have developed our way of cooking and established a range of key ingredients we use everyday. Below is our top 10 pantry staples!

Ghee is a clarified butter made by separating the butterfat from the milk solids and water found in butter. It is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins, aids in supporting gut health and the absorption of nutrients from foods cooked in it. We often use ghee for sautéing veggies and adding flavour to soups and stews. It has a high smoke point and a rich flavour. It can be stored in the pantry for up to three months as it does not contain milk solids.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra virgin olive oil is oil that is not processed using heat, it is cold pressed. We avoid a lot of other oils as they are highly processed and can cause inflammation in the body. We enjoy using olive oil for salad dressings, roasting vegetables, cooking meats and in Italian cuisine.

We only use pure dairy butter, avoiding butter blends and seed oil based spreads. We use butter for spreading on sourdough toast and for baking.

Flours and Almond Meal
We use organic flours wherever possible and regularly use unbleached white bakers flour, stoneground whole meal, rye and spelt flours. We consume a mix of these flours as they offer variety in taste and nutrients. We use flour in homemade sandwich loaves, traditional style loaves, pasta, and pizza. We also use almond meal in a lot of baked treats such as muffins and slices. It is a good source of healthy fats, tastes good and gives us a break from grains.

Garlic and Onion
We love adding garlic and onion to all of our savoury cooking, the pantry is never without it! We grow some of our own onion and garlic, and love the reward of growing it our self and knowing exactly where it has come from and how it has been grown. It has a much stronger taste than store bought garlic and onion, and stores well in the pantry.

Salt and Pepper
We put salt and pepper in almost everything we cook. We use Celtic salt and freshly ground pepper corns. Celtic salt is a pure, unrefined and well-balanced salt, with key minerals and trace elements. We prefer freshly ground pepper over pre ground as it tastes so much better. We love salt and pepper, and would not cook without it.

Pickles and Ferments
Pickling and fermenting are two methods we use to preserve some of the food we grow in the garden. We like pickling for the flavour and fermenting for the health benefits. Ferments such as kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut and different vegetables contain probiotics and beneficial bacteria which our body needs for optimal health. We always have ferments in the fridge and enjoy them on their own, in salads or as a side.

Meat Stocks
Meat stock is made from the bones of cows, lamb or chicken. It is highly nutritious and contains minerals in a form that is easily absorbed by the body. It aids in digestion and gut health. We make ours from the meat and bones of free-range organic animals and vegetables from the garden. We use meat stock in soups, stews and curries. We also add small amounts to pasta dishes and use it to cook rice. We have learnt so much about its health benefits and try to consume it regularly.

Fresh Herbs
We always ensure we have a supply of seasonal herbs in the garden. Throughout the year and depending on the season we grow rosemary, sage, mint, coriander, oregano, thyme, marjoram, basil, dill and spring onion. We love adding as many herbs as we can to our cooking to boost the flavour and add more nutritious homegrown produce. We are often ducking outside to quickly grab a handful to accompany breakfast, lunch or dinner!

When we started making changes towards a healthier lifestyle, we quickly learnt that honey was a great substitute for sugar. Honey is raw, natural and unprocessed. We use honey in all of our baking and in savoury cooking. We also use it in coffee and homemade kombucha. Local honey consumed regularly may also help alleviate allergies.