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Our Natural Home

candles, soap, garlic, lemons, flowers and glass jars on a wooden bench

Over the past few years, we have learnt so much about living a natural and sustainable lifestyle. There are so many things in our home and around us that contain many harmful chemicals. We have worked towards making easy swaps that benefit our health and the environment. While we still have a long way to go, we hope these easy tips will inspire you take a more natural approach in your home. 

In the Kitchen

A diet rich in organic whole foods is so nutritious and packed full of flavour. Did you know that it is recommended we consume food from 30 different plants a week? We love this challenge and always add up the plants we eat during the week to try and hit that target.


Cast iron pans are durable and will last a lifetime! As non-stick pans age and break down they release chemicals into food. They also do not last forever and need replacing regularly. Plastic containers also have the same effect and over time leach chemicals into the food and drink we consume from them. We are slowly transitioning from plastic to glass containers and jars. 


Sponges, gladwrap and baking paper are a consumable that so many households go through. At the end of the day, they end up in landfill, the environment and waterways. We like to use compostable sponges that can be washed, reused and composted. We have completely swapped gladwrap to bee’s wax wraps which can be reused over and over. The bees wax seal the wrap together protecting your food in the fridge, pantry and lunch box. Instead of using baking paper, we have swapped to silicone baking mats. These are also reusable, easy to clean and do not contain any harmful chemicals you may find in regular baking paper.

In the Bathroom

Bathroom products have been a little tricky to swap over. It has taken some time getting used to what we use now, but the benefits far out way the chemicals.


There has been so much awareness brought to the health concerns of deodorant and antiperspirants. We make a simple deodorant paste that we enjoy using. It is free from nasties and easy to use. There are so many natural deodorants out there, why not give one a go?


I can’t go anywhere without my lip balm! We experimented with some bee’s wax, olive oil and calendula flowers to make our own balm. It works just as well as regular lip balm and still leaves a little shimmer on the lips! Another recent swap has been using a natural hair wax/paste instead of hair spray and wax with chemicals. It has been an easy change and so nice to get away from hair spray. 


A few years ago, we did a soap making workshop. Natural homemade soap is so beautiful to use and we know exactly what is in it. It is free from chemicals, smells amazing and is super pretty. There is a science to soap making so we do suggest learning from someone who is experienced.

In the Garden

Composting is a great way to recycle food scraps, put them back into the earth and enrich the soil in your garden. There are so many easy and compact ways to compost food scraps. It takes little time and makes a huge difference to our carbon footprint. We love to grow our own veggies and producing our own compost enriches the soil and supports an abundance of homegrown food.

We garden with organic principals and do not spray or use any chemicals to protect our veggies and plants. There are so many ways to manage pest control organically. The use of netting, cloches, toilet rolls, soapy water and observing the garden regularly are effective ways of pest control.  

Cleaning our Home

Cleaning surfaces in your house does not need the use of harsh chemicals. We often use a vinegar spray that contains vinegar and water. We use ecofriendly washing sheets for dish washing and clothes washing that contain no chemicals. Cleaning products is still an area we are working on and trying to improve in our home.


We hope these simple swaps inspire a change in your home and a step towards a healthier and natural lifestyle. 

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